Beauty Sins

Sunday 27 November 2011

We all have them, and we all do them. Yep, I'm talking about beauty sins. 

The big ones that most people commit include not wearing sunscreen, brushing your hair when wet, never washing your beauty tools, squeezing your pimples and constantly touching your face. Even though we know these things are bad for our skin and hair, we still do them. Yes, even beauty junkies (and I'm sure even dermatologists do it sometimes too). We cant be perfect all the time.

Well, its time for me to confess..... My beauty sin is

I know, I know!!! I can feel everyone shaking their head at me....or hanging their head in shame as it's their dirty little secret too. 

Sometimes its because I'm too tired. Other times its really late. I try to justify it by saying I use mineral make up (but not always). But really, there is no excuse. Whats the point in spending a small fortune on great skin care products when I don't look after my skin after 8pm. Night time is the best time to put on your more expensive products, as you aren't wearing make up and touching your face. Your clean skin is able to soak it in and suck up all its benefits.

So my pledge to you, my dear readers is in December I WILL wash my face both morning and night every single day in December...even on New Yeas Eve.  

Who else wants to change a beauty sin? Does anyone want to join me in December to treat their skin right and stop their beauty sin? Think about it as a early New Years resolution.

Whats your beauty sin?

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