The Worst Things You Do To Your Hair

Sunday 8 January 2012

We are always told what we should do to make our hair soft and shiny, but sometimes we forget about what we shouldn't do. Here are some things that aren't great for your hair.

Brushing Your Hair When It's Wet
Since your hair is fragile when it's wet, you are just asking for hair breakage if you brush it. Use a wide tooth comb instead, and spray a detangler to help get through any knots. 

Over Styling Your Hair
Blow drying can make your hair look fantastic, but it can also ruin it. Try and give your hair a rest for a day or two each week and air dry instead. Always make sure you use a heat protectant or your will fry your hair. Make sure you invest in a good hairbrush. Hair brushes with metal heat up and can damage your hair even more, so choose one that is made with ceramic and ionic technology.  

Washing Your Hair Everyday
While it feels great to be clean, your hair can get damaged by being overly clean. This is why dry shampoos were created!!! Clean feeling hair, without the damage. 

Cleaning it every day will only eliminate the good oils that occur naturally. It will also make your artificial colour fade much quicker. 

Not Getting A Regular Haircut
A lot of people skip haircuts, especially when they are trying to grow out their hair. They think that getting it cut will only lose them length. The good news is you don't have to get a lot cut. Just a trim to get rid of any split ends. Because your hair just won't look nice if it is long, but damaged. 

It also helps to give your hair style and texture. Just because you are growing out your hair it doesn't mean your hair has to look boring. By updating your haircut, you can still look fabulous even when you are in the annoying 'growing your hair out' stage. 

Dying your whole head, not the roots
Make sure that you only dye the roots, then move the colour down for the last few minutes. If you dye your whole hair, you will get uneven colour and just dry out your ends. 


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  1. Hey Beauty in a Bottle, I have just nominated you as a recipient of the Liebster Blog Award! Please check out this link back to my blog for more information :)
