Life And Blog Update...

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Things have been very quite on my blog and on social media lately and that's because I had a baby last month!!

I'm sure you'll be thinking "Huh I didn't even know she was pregnant!" and it's true. I didn't mention it once. It was a difficult pregnancy and I kept it a secret both in my "real life" and my online life. 

I'll be posting soon about my pregnancy experience and sharing my struggles and why I chose to keep the pregnancy quiet. 

I had my daughter Scarlett Olivia on Monday 16th February. It's been a hectic 2 weeks trying to make sure that my oldest daughter Adeline doesn't feel left out, while also learning about Scarlett and her wants and needs. My husband also started a new job last week and is currently overseas for nearly 3 weeks. To say life has been hectic has been an understatement!! 

Now that I've starting to settle in back at home, I'll be back to blogging this week.

Since I'm on maternity leave, I can finally focus more on the blog and making it bigger and better in 2015. And that's started with a new makeover. It's cleaner and easier to read. It's still not quite finished, but will be very soon. 

I've been playing with my blog photography over the last few months and you'll be noticing me playing with different styles this year. I'll be injecting more of myself and my personality into the blog and be sharing more of my life with you. I'll be having posts with hair and make up tutorials and also FOTD posts. I've always been wanting to do these, but work has made it difficult. 

I've also joined instagram here (about 3 years too late!), so come follow me on that for behind the scenes action. It's looking very bare atm, but will be bursting with beautiful things very soon!

I really hope that you'll enjoy Bottled Beauty and all the fun and wonderful new things that will be happening in 2015.
Amy, XO

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  1. Omg no wonder you've been quiet!! That's soooo exciting!! Congratulation hun!!!! Love the new layout! Isn't refreshing when you do a blog makeover?! Makes you want to post all day :-)
    Your girls are beautiful and congratulations again! You are making me clucky!!!! Xx

  2. Congrats on the latest addition!! Looking forward to reading all about it and your new posts!!
    xx Kat @ Katness

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  4. Omg!!! I didn't know you were pregnant & just delivered too :) anyhoot, congrats hun & look forward to hearing from you on your pregnancy experience :)

    Welcome back to blogging world xx
