My New Years Beauty Resolutions

Monday 1 January 2018

Hi again! It's me, the blogger that rarely blogs! 

Last year I've really focused on my Instagram page since I can share my love of beauty products a lot more easily there than I can on the blog. While a lot of time and effort goes into a photo for Instagram, a blog post takes hours to produce. Hats off to the bloggers who are able to work, have a social life and still blog!! 

But while Instagram gives you (almost) instant gratification, I really miss blogging. So my goal for this year is to get two posts up a week and get back into my blogging groove. 

So I thought what better post to come back with than my beauty, blogging and personal resolutions for 2018.

Other than posting weekly, I'd love to also focus more on my photography. I want learn more about it and push myself to try new things. I'm wanting to do a one day photography course. The Adelaide Zoo has them once a month and while a lipstick is obviously much more different than a zebra, the tools and techniques I'll pick up can help me for my blog photography.

The last time I posted my new years beauty resolutions was back in 2016. Honestly, a few of them are things I continue to work on. Buying less and using more was a big thing for me in 2017 and I'll continue this in 2018.

I also want to use up products more often. I have a bad habit of using half a product and then open a new product because I love trying new things. I'm especially bad at this with skincare. 

In 2017 I tried to buy less and also give away products I wasn't super excited about. I also now have no beauty box subscriptions so I'm not being sent products that I wouldn't buy. In 2018 I'll continue to get rid of my back ups and have a smaller stash of unused products. 

While I love trying new skincare, I find it hard to get my best skin when I'm constantly changing up my routine and products. This year I want to use more of the same products consistently and instead only use one or two new products. 

While I'm diligent about washing my face and using sunscreen, I often forget to use an eye cream. Because I'm not getting any younger, I really want to focus this year on using one daily. 

I'd also love to paint my nails more often as I rarely do it and it's such a nice way to relax and pamper yourself. 

For my personal goals, I want to focus more on health in 2018. Being a mum I find that I spend so much time looking after my family, that I often forget about myself. I want to spend 20 minutes each and every day doing something just for me. It might be blogging, painting my nails, reading a book, working out.... it really doesn't matter what I do but to make sure that I take those 20 minutes out to look after my physical and mental self!

So those are my goals for 2018! Fingers crossed I can smash them! 

Do you have any goals for 2018?
Amy xx

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  1. Oh gosh I hear you. I tried very hard to focus on using up products this past year also. Ive also stopped all my subscription boxes and ive even let a couple of the Priceline goodybags slip by. I managed to use 109 products this past year but like you I do at times have a habit of switching to new products and leaving half used products on the shelf. Ive noticed that I dont finish a lot of makeup as I am always using different eyeshadow shades, eye liners and lipstick. In 2018 I really want to try and focus on using up some of my eyeshadows...all I completed last year was a powder duo and a color going to really try and focus on that.

  2. I too stopped all my subscription boxes last year because I found I was gaining more products than I could use. Not everything in the subscription boxes suited me either. Over the past few months and continuing next year I also aim to finish more of the products I already have and be more consistent with my skin care products. It's hard when you're a beauty blogger however as part of the job description of a beauty blogger seems to be to continually be trialing new products! Let's see how we both go over the next 12 months!

    All the best in 2018 Amy!

